Let us create your personalised itinerary for your fly fishing trip of a lifetime, built entirely around your preferences.

No two Fish Patagonia trips are the same.

Northern Patagonia is the fisherman’s playground of dreams, and nobody knows it better than us. Our team have literally grown up fishing these waters, and have worked in the local lodges and estancias guiding international guests since they were teenagers.

We design every group’s trip from the ground up. You tell us what kind of fishing you’re looking for, your experience levels (all are more than welcome, from beginner to seasoned pro), how long a trip you’d like and what kind of accommodation you prefer. Then we do the rest. Why not contact us now to tell us about your dream visit?

Pick your waters.

From our base in San Martín de los Andes, we have access to a truly exceptional range of rivers and lakes to choose from. The fishing is varied, bountiful and always exciting.

You can tell us exactly where and what you’d like to fish if you already know the area, or, if you’ve never been here, we can come up with some options for you to ensure you get a taste of a bit of everything. If it’s your very first fishing trip, even better: we know where’s best for beginners to get you thoroughly hooked on the sport (and Patagonia).

We also make sure we match every guest up with the best guide for them. We know that both fishing styles and personalities are equally important to guarantee a great day on the water, so we make sure we pair you with the guide who’s most likely to give you the best day possible.

Having said that, we’re also equally happy getting our feet wet wading, especially in smaller rivers.

On the lakes we generally use motor boats to cover the water quickly, although we do fish a couple of areas which can be accessed by row boat only.

The fun doesn’t end on the water…

The lodges we work with are some of the very best in the world, and no two are the same. You can visit a range of different lodges for a few days at a time to get a flavour of what each has to offer, or head to one place to spend your full trip really getting to know it intimately.

For groups of up to 10 people looking for a private, exclusive experience, our very own Casa Quilquihue offers the ultimate luxury riverside home from which to explore the local waterways.

Tipiliuke, Mamuil Malal and Quemquemtreu offer you the chance to stay on historic, working estancias, and experience some of the unique gaucho culture the area has to offer. Arroyo Verde and Estancia Tres Lagos offer incredible fishing in truly remote corners of Patagonia, while Tres Rios and River House are luxuriously modern smaller lodges with stunning river views. San Huberto as an institution speaks for itself, operating as a family run lodge since 1976, and Collon Cura Lodge boasts incredible private access to its namesake river.


Although every trip we organise is totally customisable, set out below are some suggested templates to get you started. Most of our guests visit for around 7 days, but if you’re only in the area for a day’s fishing or want to organise something a little longer or shorter, we’re more than happy to accommodate that too. Just contact us to talk it through.

Fish it all from Casa Quilquihue

7 nights and 7 days of fishing 7 different rivers or lakes: mix and match your ideal combination.

Day 1: Arrive Chapelco Airport, transfer to Casa Quilquihue. PM float or wade the Quilquihue River.

Day 2: Float the Collón Curá River.

Day 3: Wade the Malleo River.

Day 4: Fish Falkner Lake.

Day 5: Float the Chimehuín River.

Day 6: Float the Aluminé River.

Day 7: Wade the Filo Hua Hum River.

Day 8: Depart Chapelco Airport.

The Big One

10 nights and 9 days fishing: make the trip down really worth it.

Day 1: Arrive Chapelco Airport, transfer to San Huberto.

Days 2-3: Wade the Malleo River or float the Aluminé River or Tromen Lake. 

Day 4: Transfer to Quemquemtreu, by floating the Collón Curá River.

Days 5-6: Float the Collón Curá River. In November or December, we can wade the Quemquemtreu Creek too.

Days 6-7: AM transfer to Tipiliuke, PM float or wade the Chimehuín River.

Days 8-10: Float or wade the Chimehuín River or float the Aluminé River, or fish one of the Lakes.

Day 11: Depart Chapelco Airport.

The Estancia Experience

7 nights and 6 days fishing at Quemquemtreu and Tipiliuke, both large working estancias.

Day 1: Arrive Chapelco Airport, transfer to Quemquemtreu.

Day 2: Float the Collón Curá River.

Day 3: Wade the Quemquemtreu Creek if conditions allow, or float the Collón Curá River.

Day 4: Float another section of the Collón Curá River.

Day 5: AM transfer to Tipiliuke, PM float or wade the Chimehuín River.

Days 6 & 7: Float the Aluminé River, float or wade the Chimehuín River or wade the Malleo River, or fish Lolog or Falkner Lakes.

Day 8: Depart Chapelco Airport.

Fall on the Dries

7 nights and 6 days fishing on dry flies during fall season (mid-March to mid-May).

Day 1: Arrive Chapelco Airport, transfer to San Huberto.

Days 2-3: Wade the Malleo River.

Day 4: Transfer to Tipiliuke, floating the Collón Curá or Chimehuín Rivers on the way.

Days 5-7: Float or wade the Chimehuín River or float the Collón Curá River.

Day 8: Depart Chapelco Airport.

The Malleo from Mamuil

7 nights and 6 days fishing at Mamuil Malal and Tipiliuke.

Day 1: Arrive Chapelco Airport, transfer to Mamuil Malal.

Day 2: Wade the Malleo River or fish Tromen Lake.

Day 3: Wade the Mamuil Malal Creek.

Day 4: Wade the Malleo River or float the Aluminé River.

Day 5: AM transfer to Tipiliuke, PM float or wade the Chimehuín River.

Days 6 & 7: Float the Aluminé River or float or wade the Chimehuín River, or fish Lolog or Falkner Lakes.

Day 8: Depart Chapelco Airport.

The Big Browns

7 nights and 6 days fishing: a fall season (mid-March to mid-May) special for big browns.

Day 1: Arrive Chapelco Airport, transfer to Collón Curá Lodge.

Days 2-4: Float the Limay or Collón Curá Rivers or wade the Caleufu River, condition dependent.

Day 5: AM transfer to Arroyo Verde, fish the Traful River.

Days 6-7: Wade the Traful River, or occasionally float the Upper Limay River.

Day 8: Depart Chapelco Airport.

Any questions? Get in touch if you’d like some more details by following the link below.


The Rivers

Northern Patagonia boasts an enormously diverse river system with world class conditions for fly fishing.

The Lakes

Our local glacial lakes are an unmissable feature of the fishing on offer with Fish Patagonia.

The Season

Seven months to enjoy fishing in Patagonia, from November to May.

Fish Patagonia | Bespoke fly fishing trips